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Frequently asked questions

Discover solutions to frequently encountered queries on our FAQ page, simplifying your journey to understanding our company and offerings

What is the process for placing an order?
For a secure and tailored shopping experience, we require customers to log in or register on our website before making a purchase. We do not offer guest checkout options. To proceed with an order, kindly complete a registration form with accurate and current details to request an account.
Using an Invoice to Gain Approval for Reselling on Amazon?
Kindly be aware that we do not issue invoices before payment for ungating purposes. While we offer products for resale, please understand that we are not accountable for the Amazon ungating process.
Is it possible to obtain your inventory list in an Excel or CSV format?
Certainly! If you're a registered customer, you can access our latest inventory sheet on our website. However, please note that our best-selling and fast-moving products are primarily available on our website.
I haven’t received a dispatch email confirmation?
Please be aware an automated email is sent to you to the given email address when your order is dispatched. Please check all folders including you junk. To ensure emails reach you, add the domain prowholesaledistributors.comto your safe senders list.
What is your minimum order quantity?
The Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) differs depending on the product. Please review the product details, as the MOQ specifies the minimum number of units required to make a purchase. For instance, if an offer states a MOQ of 100 units, you must be prepared to buy at least 100 units to proceed with the purchase.
What is the estimated time for order processing and delivery?
The order lead time is subject to change depending on the specific product. Please read the product details for the current lead time. For instance, if the lead time is indicated as 3 weeks, this signifies that your order should be prepared for shipping within 3 weeks after full payment has been received. Orders are typically dispatched in accordance with the lead time specified in the offer details, but please note that lead times are approximate and subject to variation.
Do the products you offer guarantee authenticity?
We uphold stringent quality standards when sourcing stock from manufacturers and distributors to ensure our customers receive only authentic, impeccable products.
Do You Provide Prep Services For Amazon?
Yes, we offer direct shipping to Amazon warehouses, and a $1 per unit fee applies for prep services. We'll request the shipping labels from you once your order is prepared for shipment.
Can I track my item?
Yes, Once your order has been processed, you will receive a dispatch confirmation email that includes your tracking number. You can conveniently track your order by entering this number on our tracking page.
Is it possible to cancel my order?
We regret to inform you that we do not accept order cancellations, returns, or exchanges. Prior to placing an order, please ensure your eligibility to resell our products on your intended platforms. By submitting an order, you acknowledge that it constitutes an offer to purchase all products and services listed in that order. It's important to note that Pro Wholesale Distributors is an independent entity and is not directly affiliated with Amazon or Amazon Service Centers. While we are delighted to supply and ship our products to your desired location, any subsequent sales or issues arising from selling these products on Amazon or other marketplaces will be your sole responsibility. We cannot assume responsibility for Amazon-related or brand-related issues. Additionally, we cannot take responsibility for items that are restricted for sale on Amazon, restricted for shipment to FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), or restricted on any other marketplaces. We reserve the right to correct errors, decline, or cancel orders, either in part or in full. Rest assured, we will notify you in advance of any order declinations or cancellations.
Do you offer refunds?
Refunds are not our standard practice. Nevertheless, there are situations in which we may grant a credit to our customers:
  • If any product(s) arrive damaged (excluding damage during transit).
  • If the product received is defective (e.g., incorrect product, size, or shade).
  • In cases of supply chain disruptions leading to the cancellation of the ordered product(s).
When we have accepted the customer's request for a return. In such instances, a credit for the corresponding amount will be issued.